Artificial Skylights
Why Artificial Skylights?
For more than 150,000 years humans have predominantly lived and worked outside. The human visual system is optimized for natural light and the entrainment of the circadian rhythm of several biological functions that are controlled by natural daylight. Despite this evolutionary conditioning imprint, we have been living mostly inside buildings with limited daylight or lack of natural lighting since the Industrial Revolution some 150 years ago.
An average American spends just five minutes a day under an unobstructed sky. The lack of natural daylight is known to cause winter depression (SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder) and sleep disturbances according to hundreds of case studies. Various former research has shown that light is the most important “Zeitgeber” of the body’s inner clock. A “Zeitgeber” is a rhythmically occurring natural phenomenon that acts as a cue in the regulation of the body’s circadian rhythms. Due to architectural and geographical restrictions, completely natural-lit buildings, which would be ideal, can rarely be ensured. Missing natural light makes correct artificial lighting indispensable, especially in winter and after dusk. Artificial Sky has developed and evaluated an artificial skylight to create dynamic light that increases well-being by reproducing some of the most important characteristics of natural light.
Artificial Skylights help increase serotonin levels for room occupants to help improve overall mood and mental and physical health. Serotonin plays several roles in your body, including influencing learning, memory, and happiness as well as regulating body temperature, sleep, sexual behavior, and hunger. Lack of serotonin is thought to play a role in depression, anxiety, mania, sleep-cycle disturbances, phobias, panic, and other health conditions.
Artificial Skylights enhance human performance, comfort, health, and well-being. Artificial Sky products range from acoustic sky ceiling tiles, LED skylights, virtual sky ceilings, artificial skylights, virtual windows, video walls, and more. Artificial Sky human-centric lighting is scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, improve patient outcomes, lower blood pressure, redirect negative thoughts, create spaces conducive to learning, reduce eye strain, increase productivity in office environments, and even re-calibrate the human circadian system, improving our sleep/wake cycle and overall mental health and wellbeing.
W-Series (Wall Washing)

The W-Series Artificial Skylight is a uniquely designed wall wash type indoor human-centric lighting fixture that simulates the appearance of blue sky and sunlight. The W-series is a wall-washing type lighting system that projects sunlight at a 30-degree beam angle onto a nearby wall and is recommended to be installed within 1-1.5 meters of a wall for best lighting results. The system uses advanced long-range optical film developed by NASA to simulate a sky view to the “edge of space” known as the Karman Line. Artificial Sky also uses nanotechnology to recreate the Rayleigh Scattering effect for the most realistic sky view imaginable.
V-Series (Vertical or General Type)

The V-Series Artificial Skylight is an exceptionally designed general task lighting-type indoor human-centric lighting fixture that simulates the appearance of blue sky and sunlight. The V-series is a vertical-type lighting system that can be installed anywhere in a space and uses an exclusive nano-scattering plate to disperse light evenly in all directions recreating a true-to-life view of Earth’s atmosphere. The system uses advanced long-range optical film developed by NASA to simulate a sky view to the “edge of space” known as the Karman Line. Artificial Sky also uses nanotechnology to recreate the Rayleigh Scattering effect for the most realistic sky view imaginable.
L-Series (Linear Wall Washing Type)

The L-Series Artificial Skylight is a uniquely designed linear type indoor human-centric lighting fixture that simulates the appearance of blue sky and sunlight. The L-series is a linear wall-washing type lighting system that projects sunlight at a 30-degree beam angle onto a nearby wall and is recommended to be installed within 1-1.5 meters of a wall for best lighting results. The system uses advanced long-range optical film developed by NASA to simulate a sky view to the “edge of space” known as the Karman Line. Artificial Sky also uses nanotechnology to recreate the Rayleigh Scattering effect for the most realistic sky view imaginable.
S-Series (Sunlight Type)

The S-Series Artificial Skylight is an advanced solar simulator-type human-centric lighting fixture that creates the appearance of both the sky and the Sun. The S-series is a direct sunlight-type lighting system that projects daylight at a 60-degree beam angle and can be used as general task lighting. The installed Sun orb uses motion parallax and stereopsis cues to replicate the perceived distance of the Sun to the room occupants. The system uses advanced long-range optical film developed by NASA to simulate a sky view to the “edge of space” known as the Karman Line. Artificial Sky also uses nanotechnology to recreate the Rayleigh Scattering effect for the most realistic sky view imaginable.
P-Series (Ultra-thin or Paper-thin Type)

The P-Series Artificial Skylight is a technological marvel due to its compact size and natural daylighting output. The 1’x2’ artificial skylight is a general task lighting-type indoor human-centric lighting fixture that simulates the appearance of blue sky and sunlight. The P-series is a “paper-thin” or ultra-thin lighting fixture that projects daylight at a 120-degree beam angle. The P-series can be installed separately or inside its patented keel system in various layouts from 2-40 sets combined (see spec sheet for more details). The P-SKY and P-WIN use a quantity of (4) P-series skylights and an included mounting system for ceiling and wall applications. The system uses advanced long-range optical film developed by NASA to simulate a sky view to the “edge of space” known as the Karman Line. Artificial Sky also uses nanotechnology to recreate the Rayleigh Scattering effect for the most realistic sky view imaginable.