Why Working In A Windowless Office Under Circadian Lighting Could Be Destroying Your Sleep & Productivity
The Ultimate Guide To Windowless Office
Research in workplace ceiling panels design shows that having a windowed office does more than signal status. It also means you’re getting a better night’s rest — and with rest comes productivity. Mounds of research show that getting enough sleep speeds your decision-making and learning ability, while sleep deprivation does the opposite. Did you know the human body’s highest alertness is at 10:00 A.M. And it’s fastest reaction time is at 3:30 P.M. However, most people are still refilling their coffee mug, fighting to stay awake in the boardroom or napping. In their secret hiding spot due to irregularities in their circadian lighting rhythm. According to Northwestern researcher Ivy Cheung, working next to a window by day could have a profound effect. But, most people work in an office that closed off and windowless.
Benifits To Make Windowless Office More Valuable?
The Hidden Mystery Behind Windowless Office
Cheung and her colleagues outline a few options to getting around the problem. For one, they say that office lighting ceiling panels should be designed to provide more windows to workers. But, if you can’t knock down any walls, a much cheaper option could be investing in LED Skylights which mimic outdoor daylight conditions and create an illusion of nature on your ceiling as seen below. A small start-up from Detroit, MI, aptly named Artificial Sky, is leading the fight against dimly lit, unproductive offices with an army of more than 200 distributors globally and over 5,000 installations to date! Artificial Sky uses high-intensity, full spectrum lighting which helps set normal sleep-and-wake rhythms. So, if you’re sleepless in Seattle or windowless in Warsaw, look into an LED Skylight or Artificial Sky’s latest LED lighting system, the Virtual Sky, to help launch your company into the next level.